One expects this long bicycle ride to be bumpy, the trek strenuous, but this poetic journal is smooth, comforting even. These poems are spare and focused: plucked from the side of the road, captured while bicycling across America. Laura Madeline Wiseman reminds us that “when we search, we search alone,” but her poems show us how to journey – and keep us company. Every thing — a word heard whizzing by, a biting fly, the lost spoon, the novel in her backpack — is a starting point. While the journey is arduous, the poems make us think not of the difficulties but of the journey itself, the passing of days and places and people and milestones. The book has made me think of my own journey: where I am in the landscape, where on this planet, where in time.
—Denise Brady, editor & publisher, Gibraltar Editions & Bradypress